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Settings Menu

Customize your AscendTMS here. You must be a system admin to access this menu item.

  • Edit Your Starting Load Number

    AscendTMS automatically starts load numbers at 10001, however, if you would like to change the starting load number, this can be done in settings.  Load numbers must be at least five digits, you canno...

  • Show or Hide Sample Data

    For all users, AscendTMS contains sample data that allows you to experiment with the system without having to build your own loads, customers and carriers.  This is beneficial for learning more about ...

  • Import a List of Customers

    The data import widget allows you to import lists of customers, carriers, locations, and even import load histories from other systems. Data imports are limited to 2,000 rows at a time for your list ...

  • Import a List of Carriers

    The data import widget allows you to import lists of customers, carriers, locations, and even import load histories from other systems. Data imports are limited to 2,000 rows at a time for your list ...

  • Import a List of Locations

    The data import widget allows you to import lists of customers, carriers, locations, and even import load histories from other systems. Data imports are limited to 2,000 rows at a time for your list ...

  • Import Load History from Another System

    Switching from another TMS system?  You have the option of importing your load history into AscendTMS. [img src=""] When y...

  • Add, Delete (Remove) or Edit Users

    In the Settings menu of AscendTMS, you have the ability to edit users, branches, permissions, and user roles. To add or edit users, select the first option Add or edit users that is located under Use...

  • Add or Edit Branches / Departments

    The purpose of the Branch/Department Management module of AscendTMS is to allow companies to carve out users into separate divisions which we call Branches/Departments.   For example, you may be the ...

  • Add or Edit Roles

    This section lets you manage all roles and default commission rates, as well as enable and disable existing roles. [img src="

  • Assign User Roles / Commission Overrides

    This page will provide instructions on how to manage all roles, default commission rates, and commission overrides.  To add a new role or edit a role, please see our article here [https://ascendtms.ka...