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Configure Your Alerts

This setting is only related to EDI load tenders.  Once we have established a connection with your trading partner, you will be able to receive electronic load tenders through AscendTMS .  You can set up alerts for when a new load tender is received in the settings section.

Once you click on "Configure your alerts", you will be taken to this page.  To create a new alert, click "add alert."

 On these pages, you can add the description, write a message and add which users will receive the alert.

Alerts can be received in one of two ways, either via email or a message in AscendTMS .  You have the option to have both of these turned on or just one of the two.

The email alerts will look like this:

And the messages in AscendTMS can be found here:

If at any time you need to edit or delete an alert, this can be done on the original landing page for configuring the alerts.

 For more information about EDI, check out our EDI section here.

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