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Forgot Username/Password?

If you are having trouble remembering your username and/or password, no need to worry - there is an easy fix!

If you have forgotten your password, simply click on "Forgot your password?" here:You will then be directed to a new page that looks like this:

Then, you can input the e-mail address that you use as your username, and click "Send reset e-mail." At which point, you will then receive an e-mail with instructions to reset your password. 

If you have arrived at this screen and the light bulb goes off in your head saying "I JUST REMEMBERED!" - simply select "Go back! I remember my password" and proceed to login as normal.

If you have forgotten your Username (the e-mail address that you had previously used to login to AscendTMS ) simply contact us at (813)681-5000 and one of our friendly staff members would be happy to assist you! 

If you would prefer to contact us via e-mail you are welcome to write to and one of our amazing Support Staff will assist you.

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