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Configure Your Default Routing Options

With the help of PTV Group, Ascend allows you to select specific routing options that will be used to calculate routes and the miles on your loads. These options factor in the type of equipment you are using on your loads such as truck size, weight, overall length, etc.

AscendTMS defaults the routing options on every load to Semi-trailer 5 axle and 40,000 lbs for you. However, if your company mostly uses a different equipment type for all, or the majority of the loads you manage, you can configure the default routing options to suit your needs. In addition, you and your users can change the routing option on any given load from your default settings form the Edit Stops page of the load.

 To set the default routing options, go to settings, and under "Company Settings" select "Configure your default routing options".

Once you have made the selection, you will see the below options:

Once these default options have been set, they will be applied to every load built afterwards. You will have the ability from within the load to change the routing options per load should you wish. Below is an example of what you will see from the "edit stops" tab of a load:

From the "edit stops" page, you can make changes that will be applied only to the load you are currently editing. You can also reset to company default routing options with the reset option should you wish to do so. If no changes are made, and the default options have been set from within company settings, the default options will be automatically applied.

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  1. Leeann Doan

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