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Search Loads

The Search Loads option in AscendTMS allows you to search for active, canceled, and archived loads created by you or anyone in your operations team. No load is ever truly lost. You can reach the load search page here:

In the search field, you can type anything related to the load such as location, carrier name, customer name, etc.  To narrow down your search, you can choose to enter other information, such as origin or destination state, beginning or end date, branches and load status.  All matching fields will have red font.

Export Load Data

You also have the option to export the load data results into a spreadsheet.

You can export a Financial Summary by selecting "Export Loads Summary to Excel" as shown below:

You can export all of the load data shown by selecting "Export Load Data" as shown below:

Also, you can export all of the Load Data with additional columns for each line item by selecting "Export load data with charge types as columns"

Choose files or drag and drop files
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