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1. Navigate to the settings tab as shown below:  

2. Fill in the date range, select the fuel purchase mode and default fuel type as shown above. The default date range for the IFTA report is the present quarter.

3. If you would like to enter your fuel purchases manually, click on the "Report" tab where the loads will appear next to the table displaying the estimated miles. Click on a load and you will be able to enter the distance and fuel amount as shown below. 

 4. If you want to import your fuel purchases, navigate to the "Fuel Purchase Imports" tab as shown below: 

 4. Select “Import Fuel Card Purchases”.

5. Select your fuel card provider.

6. Click the “Click here to select file (Type 35)” then click the “Import file” button.

7. You will be taken to a page where you can preview the file before saving the import.

8. If everything looks good, click the “Save Import” button.

9. To view your custom report, click the "Reports" tab. 

 The reports page also allows you to manually edit fuel purchases and mileage.

Edit Distance or Enter Fuel Purchases Manually: 

1. After selecting IFTA, click on the Settings tab and select the Enter fuel purchases for each load manually radio button. 

 2. When you click on the green icon with the hourglass to run the report, you will be taken to the IFTA Summary page where you can select the load that you want to enter the fuel purchase manually for. 

 3. Once you have selected the load you will see the screen below where you can make your selection. 

Choose files or drag and drop files
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