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Freight Factoring

AscendTMS offers several integrations with preferred factoring and funding partners but it is important to know that you can stay with any factoring company of your choice and still use AscendTMS.

  • Denim Payments Factoring For Brokers

    Denim Payments is the all-in-one financial partner for freight brokers. To begin maximizing your cash flow with the Denim Payments integration available in AscendTMS, the first thing you’ll need to do...

  • Love's Financial Freight Factoring

    [img src=""] AscendTMS and Love's have partnered together to offer you quick and easy factoring of all your freight bills! ...

  • Triumph Business Capital Seamless Factoring Portal

    To Factor Invoices: Every AscendTMS user that will be submitting loads for factoring must have their own unique login credentials to the business's MyTriumph account. AscendTMS administrators can con...

  • Easy Freight Factoring With ANY Factor - Via Email!

    You are probably already aware of how easy it is to factor your freight bills with one of AscendTMS' integrated factoring partners. But, what about AscendTMS users that want easy and fast factoring wi...